Invited PaperComparison of the freeze-out effect in ln and B doped n-MOSFETs in the range 4.2 – 300 K p. Pr3-3 I. Alawneh, E. Simoen, S. Biesemans, K. De Meyer et C. Claeys DOI: RésuméPDF (356.1 KB)
Reverse short channel effect in silicon MOSFETs operated at low temperature p. Pr3-9 B. Szelag, F. Balestra et G. Ghibaudo DOI: RésuméPDF (135.9 KB)
Temperature dependence of hot-carrier effects in 0.2 µm N- and P-channel fully-depleted Unibond MOSFETs p. Pr3-13 S.H. Renn, C. Raynaud et F. Balestra DOI: RésuméPDF (189.9 KB)
A thorough analysis of self-heating effects for SOI MOSFETs on SIMOX and UNIBOND substrates p. Pr3-17 J. Jomaah, E. Rauly, G. Ghibaudo et F. Balestra DOI: RésuméPDF (153.5 KB)
I-V and small signal parameters modelling of ultrasubmicron MOSFETs including the significant electron-velocity overshoot effects, which are enhanced at low temperature p. Pr3-21 J.B. Roldán, F. Gámiz, J.A. López-Villanueva et J.E. Carceller DOI: RésuméPDF (155.8 KB)
Back gate voltage and buried-oxide thickness influences on the series resistance of fully depleted SOI MOSFETs at 77 K p. Pr3-25 A.S. Nicolett, J.A. Martino, E. Simoen et C. Claeys DOI: RésuméPDF (476.3 KB)
Optimization of deep-submicrometer temperature scalable MOSFET's based on two-dimensional numerical simulation p. Pr3-29 J. Xu et M.-C. Cheng DOI: RésuméPDF (174.9 KB)
The drain-bias-variable characteristics of exponent γon l/fγ noise in DDD n-MOSFETs at 77 K and 300 K p. Pr3-33 S.-L. Chen et S.-H. Chen DOI: RésuméPDF (149.3 KB)
Cryogenic operation of heavy ion implanted N- and P-channel MOSFETs p. Pr3-37 B. Szelag, T. Skotnicki et F. Balestra DOI: RésuméPDF (130.8 KB)
Forced formation of ionized donor layer in p-MOSFET at cryogenic temperatures due to photon emission from its channel p. Pr3-41 A.A. Frantsuzov et A.V. Kharin DOI: RésuméPDF (179.9 KB)
A new method to extract the effective trap density at the buried oxide/underlying substrate interface in enhancement-mode SOI MOSFETs at low temperatures p. Pr3-45 M.A. Pavanello et J.A. Martino DOI: RésuméPDF (179.1 KB)
Analysis of the substrate effect on enhancement-mode SOI nMOSFET effective channel length and series resistance extraction at 77 K p. Pr3-49 M.A. Pavanello, A.S. Nicolett et J.A. Martino DOI: RésuméPDF (162.4 KB)
The temperature influence of substrate current in submicron N-channel MOSFETs p. Pr3-53 S.-H. Chen, S.-L. Chen, S.-T. Chung et C.-C. Chen DOI: RésuméPDF (136.8 KB)
Low temperature mobility improvement in high-mobility strained-Si/Si1-xGex multilayer MOSFETs p. Pr3-57 J.B. Roldán, F. Gámiz, J.A. López-Villanueva et J.E. Carceller DOI: RésuméPDF (168.1 KB)
Features of indirect-band-to-band tunneling in an insulated-gate lateral pn junction device on a SIMOX substrate with an ultrathin 10-nm-thick silicon layer p. Pr3-63 Y. Omura DOI: RésuméPDF (547.7 KB)
Modeling of the low temperature electron distribution function in ultra-fast transient situations for semiconductor devices p. Pr3-67 M.-C. Cheng DOI: RésuméPDF (206.6 KB)
Choosing proper approximation for semiconductor device analytical modeling at low temperature p. Pr3-71 T.T. Mnatsakanov, L.I. Pomortseva, D. Schröder et A. Schlögl DOI: RésuméPDF (199.8 KB)
Some peculiarities of low temperature conductivity of silicon diodes p. Pr3-75 Y.M. Shwarts, P.S. Smertenko, V.N. Sokolov et M.M. Shwarts DOI: RésuméPDF (150.0 KB)
Invited PaperTemperature dependence of SiGe HBT static and dynamic characteristics p. Pr3-81 F. Aniel, N. Zerounian, A. Gruhle, C. Mähner, G. Vernet et R. Adde DOI: RésuméPDF (323.2 KB)
The electrical assessment of Si1-xGex/Si heterostructures p. Pr3-87 V.S. Lysenko, I.P. Tyagulski, Y.V. Gomeniuk, I.N. Osiyuk, C.J. Patel, O. Nur et M. Willander DOI: RésuméPDF (191.0 KB)
Implications of dopant-dependent low-field mobility and band gap narrowing on the bipolar device performance p. Pr3-91 V. Palankovski, G. Kaiblinger-Grujin et S. Selberherr DOI: RésuméPDF (142.1 KB)
Extraction of collector-base resistance of UHV/CVD SiGe HBTs operating at low temperatures p. Pr3-95 U. Gogineni, G. Niu et J.D. Cressler DOI: RésuméPDF (128.5 KB)
Gamma radiation tolerance of UHV/CVD SiGe BiCMOS technology operated at cryogenic temperatures p. Pr3-99 J.M. Roldán, J.D. Cressler, G. Niu, S.D. Clark et D. Nguyen-Ngoc DOI: RésuméPDF (134.3 KB)
Electron impact-ionization effects in UHV/CVD SiGe HBT's in the temperature range of 300 to 83 K p. Pr3-103 G. Niu, U. Gogineni et J.D. Cressler DOI: RésuméPDF (141.1 KB)
Si1-x Gex structures fabricated by focused ion beam implantation p. Pr3-109 Th. Ganetsos, D. Tsamakis, D. Panknin, G.L.R. Mair, J. Teichert, L. Bischoff et C. Aidinis DOI: RésuméPDF (662.0 KB)
Band tails and their influence on the performance of bipolar SiGe devices at low temperatures p. Pr3-113 S. Sokolic, B. Ferk et S. Amon DOI: RésuméPDF (171.7 KB)
SiGe HBT simulation based on mp* (T, NA, xGE) numerical model HEM p. Pr3-117 S. Sokolic, B. Ferk et S. Amon DOI: RésuméPDF (200.6 KB)
Development of cryogenic Ge JFETs p. Pr3-123 R.R. Ward, R.K. Kirschman, M.D. Jhabvala, R.S. Babu, N.C. Das, D.V. Camin et G. Pessina DOI: RésuméPDF (775.8 KB)
Advances in discrete GaAs JFETs and simple amplifiers for deep cryogenic readouts p. Pr3-127 T.J. Cunningham et M. Fitzsimmons DOI: RésuméPDF (757.3 KB)
HEMTs for low-power and low-frequency noise 4.2 K cryoelectronics : fabrication and characterization p. Pr3-131 Y. Jin DOI: RésuméPDF (215.0 KB)
Fast and efficient procedures for determining the microwave noise parameters of HEMT's at decreasing temperatures p. Pr3-135 A. Caddemi, A. Di Paola et M. Sannino DOI: RésuméPDF (198.9 KB)
Invited PaperNext generation focal plane array for infrared astronomy p. Pr3-141 L.J. Kozlowski, K. Vural, S.A. Cabelli, A. Chen, D.E. Cooper, G. Bostrup, C. Cabelli, K. Hodapp, D. Hall et W.E. Kleinhans DOI: RésuméPDF (1.562 MB)
Invited PaperJosephson readout electronics for the hybrid superconducting pixel detector p. Pr3-147 S. Pagano, V.G. Palmieri, O. Mukhanov et A. Esposito DOI: RésuméPDF (918.1 KB)
Cryogenic behavior of low-noise monolithic preamplifiers using a JFET as a front-end element p. Pr3-155 M. Citterio et P.F. Manfredi DOI: RésuméPDF (227.3 KB)
The front-end electronics of the NA48 liquid krypton calorimeter p. Pr3-161 C. Cerri DOI: RésuméPDF (720.1 KB)
The SuperFET : a high-performance GaAs voltage-controlled current source for cryogenic applications p. Pr3-167 D.V. Camin, G. Pessina, E. Previtali et P. Ramaioli DOI: RésuméPDF (696.5 KB)
A cryogenic GaAs PHEMT/ferroelectric Ku-band tunable oscillator p. Pr3-171 R.R. Romanofsky, F.W. Van Keuls et F.A. Miranda DOI: RésuméPDF (814.7 KB)
The telescope readout electronics for the Gravity Probe B satellite p. Pr3-175 H.P. Demroff, S. Babu, M.R. Bye, K.L. Coleman, N. Das, D.B. DeBra, P.D. Ehrensberger Jr., R.P. Farley, D.K. Gill, J.H. Goebel et al. (4 de plus) DOI: RésuméPDF (1.232 MB)
Testing the GP-B telescope readout electronics on a flight quality telescope p. Pr3-181 S. Wang, D.-H. Gwo, K.A. Bower, L.W. Huff, R.K. Kirschman, J.A. Lipa, M. Jhabvala, S. Babu et N. Das DOI: RésuméPDF (173.2 KB)
Cryogenic amplification system for ultra-low noise measurements p. Pr3-185 G. Lombardi, M. Macucci, R. Giannetti et B. Pellegrini DOI: RésuméPDF (150.4 KB)
Super low noise cryoelectronic amplifier for radio astronomy and spectroscopy in a 21.0 - 23.0 GHz range with conversion of frequency into 0.5 - 2.5 GHz p. Pr3-189 O.D. Poustylnik, A.A. Maksyasheva, O.P. Golovchenko, E.N. Glukhova, E.N. Zdor, A.V. Onopchenko et Y.I. Kishenko DOI: RésuméPDF (163.3 KB)
Miniature temperature sensors based on Ge films p. Pr3-193 V.F. Mitin DOI: RésuméPDF (626.1 KB)
A versatile cryogenic temperature controller p. Pr3-197 G. Oppo, R. Giannetti, M. Macucci et B. Pellegrini DOI: RésuméPDF (153.1 KB)
Design of cryogenic electronics packaging for commercial production p. Pr3-201 J.P. Knauth et R.W. Wheatley DOI: RésuméPDF (253.6 KB)
Low noise amplifier for an integrated SQUID electronics operating in liquid nitrogen p. Pr3-205 J. Kunert, V. Zakosarenko, V. Schultze, H.-G. Meyer, F. Nitsche et H. Wenske DOI: RésuméPDF (834.2 KB)
A low noise, low power consumption CMOS cryogenic preamplifier for superconducting infrared detectors p. Pr3-209 Y. Hu, G. Klisnick, F. Voisin, M. Redon, A. Gaugue et A. Kreisler DOI: RésuméPDF (166.2 KB)
Use of low-noise dc-SQUIDs in fundamental physics experiments p. Pr3-215 P. Carelli, M.G. Castellano, R. Leoni et G. Torrioli DOI: RésuméPDF (901.3 KB)
Superconducting-semiconducting electronics (SSE) for broadband SQUID applications p. Pr3-221 S. Uchaikin DOI: RésuméPDF (230.1 KB)
Performance of a SQUID read-out system for superconducting tunnel junctions p. Pr3-225 D.D.E. Martin et A. Peacock DOI: RésuméPDF (249.7 KB)
Towards practical quantum-limited SQUlDs for a gravitational wave antenna p. Pr3-229 J. Flokstra, E. Bartolomé, M.J. Van Duuren, G.C.S. Brons, D. Veldhuis et H. Rogalla DOI: RésuméPDF (736.9 KB)
Trade-off study of the SQUID read-out for a hot-electron micro-calorimeter p. Pr3-233 M. Frericks, H.F.C. Hoevers, P. de Groene, W.A. Mels et P.A.J. de Korte DOI: RésuméPDF (186.4 KB)
Readout of cryogenic particle detectors based on Nb/Al-AlOx/Al/Nb Josephson junctions using double relaxation oscillation SQUIDs p. Pr3-237 A.W. Hamster, M.J. Van Duuren, G.C.S. Brons, J. Flokstra et H. Rogalla DOI: RésuméPDF (177.1 KB)
Input SQUID-magnetometer circuits : matching and optimlzation p. Pr3-241 I. Vojtovich et M. Budnyk DOI: RésuméPDF (221.0 KB)
High-temperature superconducting receiver coil for NMR skin imaging p. Pr3-245 J.-C. Ginefri, L. Darrasse, P. Crozat et S. Serfaty DOI: RésuméPDF (631.9 KB)
Eddy-current nondestructive measurements with different HTS-SQUID spatial orientations p. Pr3-249 M. Valentino, G. Pepe, A. Ruosi et G. Peluso DOI: RésuméPDF (175.3 KB)
Non-equilibrium properties of Josephson critical current in Nb-based three terminal superconducting tunnel devices p. Pr3-255 G. Ammendola, L. Parlato, G. Peluso, G. Pepe, E. Esposito et R. Monaco DOI: RésuméPDF (1.875 MB)
Submicron superconductor-insulator-normal tunnel junctions for self-refrigerating bolometers p. Pr3-259 R. Leoni, G. Arena, P. Carelli, M.G. Castellano, F.V. Greco, F. Melchiorri et G. Torrioli. DOI: RésuméPDF (1.961 MB)
Submillimeter wave detection with high temperature superconducting bolometers p. Pr3-263 A. Gaugue, E. Caristan, D. Robbes, C. Gunther, A. Sentz et A. Kreisler DOI: RésuméPDF (2.122 MB)
Capabilities of antenna-coupled superconducting microbolometers p. Pr3-267 V.N. Leonov DOI: RésuméPDF (1.488 MB)
Simulations of signal amplification and oscillations using a SNS junction p. Pr3-271 A.M. Luiz, V. Soares et R. Nicolsky DOI: RésuméPDF (1.408 MB)
X-ray response of Nb-based superconducting tunnel junction p. Pr3-275 R. Cristiano, E. Esposito, L. Frunzio, S. Pagano, A. Barone, L. Parlato, G. Peluso, G. Pepe, A. Esposito, M. Aoyagi et al. (3 de plus) DOI: RésuméPDF (2.141 MB)
Josephson-junction oscillation spectral linewidth for some phase-locked multijunction systems p. Pr3-279 V.K. Kornev et A.V. Arzumanov DOI: RésuméPDF (1.769 MB)
The wave phase velocity in superconducting transmission lines near Tc p. Pr3-283 A.R. Kuzhakhmetov, G.D. Lobov, V.V. Shtykov et S.A. Zhgoon DOI: RésuméPDF (1.193 MB)
Effects induced by electron beam irradiation on the properties of Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x biepitaxial Josephson junctions p. Pr3-289 F. Tafuri, B. Nadgorny, S. Shokhor, M. Gurvitch, F. Lombardi, F. Carillo et A. Di Chiara DOI: RésuméPDF (2.313 MB)
Noise of high-Tc superconducting films and bolometers p. Pr3-293 I.A. Khrebtov, V.N. Leonov, A.D. Tkachenko, P.V. Bratukhin, A.A. Ivanov, A.V. Kuznetsov, H. Neff, E. Steinbeiß, W. Michalke, T. Heidenblut et J.K. Laukemper DOI: RésuméPDF (1.260 MB)
Application of silicon substrates for high-Tc Josephson junctions and SQUIDs p. Pr3-297 S. Linzen, Y.J. Tian, U. Hübner, F. Schmidl, J. Scherbel et P. Seidel DOI: RésuméPDF (1.528 MB)
Resonance of low-frequency collective plasma oscillations at phase-slip centers p. Pr3-301 G.E. Churilov DOI: RésuméPDF (1.543 MB)
Electric field effects at the surface of high-temperature superconductors p. Pr3-305 V.S. Lysenko, I.P. Tyagulski, V.Z. Lozovski, Y.V. Gomeniuk, I.N. Osiyuk et V.N. Variukhin DOI: RésuméPDF (1.823 MB)
Express-control system of superconducting microcircuits fabrication technology by anodization spectroscopy method p. Pr3-309 I. Vojtovich, S. Navala, P. Shpilevoy et T. Lebedeva DOI: RésuméPDF (1.595 MB)
Invited CommunicationPerspectives of the cryo-electronics for the year 2000 p. Pr3-315 E.A. Gutiérrez-D., C. Claeys, E. Simoen et S.V. Koshevaya DOI: RésuméPDF (2.597 MB)