J. Phys. IV France
Volume 105, March 2003
Page(s) 47 - 52

J. Phys. IV France
105 (2003) 47
DOI: 10.1051/jp4:20030170

Anisotropic yield function of sheet forming simulation for aluminum alloy by using commercial FEM software "LS-DYNA V950"

K. Yamada1, H. Mizukoshi1, K. Okada1, N. Ma2 and N. Sugitomo2

1  Sumitomo Light Metal Industries Ltd., 3-1-12 Chitose, Minato-ku, Nagoya 455-8670, Japan
2  The Japan Research Institute Ltd., 3-10-19 Minamifunaba, Chuo-ku, Osaka 542-0081, Japan

Generally, commercial finite element method (FEM) software was used for sheet forming simulation. In this study, anisotropic yield function for aluminum alloy sheets was investigated by using commercial FEM software "LS-DYNA V950". Cup deep drawing test and punch stretching test simulation have been carried out using 5000 series aluminum alloy (4.5%Mg, 1.0mmt) sheet. There was a little difference between forming limit of cup test simulation by using various yield functions. The forming limit and the state of principle strain near the fracture measured by experiment (using scribed circle method) was in good agreement with the results calculated by using Barlat model (1989). Barlat model would be suitable to sheet forming simulation for aluminum alloy because of its yield locus similar to aluminum alloys.

© EDP Sciences 2003