J. Phys. IV France
Volume 08, Numéro PR9, December 1998
2nd European Meeting on Integrated Ferroelectrics
Page(s) Pr9-213 - Pr9-216
2nd European Meeting on Integrated Ferroelectrics

J. Phys. IV France 08 (1998) Pr9-213-Pr9-216

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:1998940

Growth of BST thin films on silicon substrates.
Application to integrated capacitors for DC-DC converters

D. Chambonnet1, C. Audry1, A. Fages-Bonnery1, C. Mer1, C. Fages1 and J. Perrière2

1  Alcatel Alsthom Recherche, route de Nozay, 91460 Marcoussis, France
2  GPS, Universités Paris VI et VII, 2 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France

Capacitor structures aiming at filtering and decoupling capacitors for DC-DC conversion, based on BST thin films, were deposited by PLD on silicon substrates. The selection of the appropriate buffer layers and of a perovskite bottom electrode allowed the achievement of capacitor structures with the (100) texture. The specific capacitance values were measured on BaTiO3 films grown on an YBCO bottom electrode around 80 nF/mm2. The achievement of a (100) textured Sr(NbxTi1-x)Oy bottom electrode with a resistivity of around 100 µcm holds promise of large specific capacitance values in combination with low resistive losses.

© EDP Sciences 1998