J. Phys. IV France
Volume 05, Numéro C7, Novembre 1995
Second International Conference on Ultra High Purity Base Metals
UHPM - 95
Page(s) C7-225 - C7-231
Second International Conference on Ultra High Purity Base Metals
UHPM - 95

J. Phys. IV France 05 (1995) C7-225-C7-231

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:1995725

Influence of Antimony on the Texture and Properties of 2% Si, 0.3% Al Steel for Non-Oriented Sheet

M. Jenko1, F. Vodopivec1, H.J. Grabke2, H. Viefhaus2, M. Godec1 and D. Steiner Petrovic1

1  Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, P.O. Box 431, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
2  Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, Max-Planck Strasse 1, Düsseldorf, Germany

The effect of additions of antimony (0.05% Sb) to silicon steel on the improvement of the electrical properties of non-oriented steel sheet was investigated. Measurements of surface segregation of Sb were performed under UHV conditions in the temperature range from 450 to 900 °C, using AES and TDS. Maximum equilibrium surface segregation of antimony was determined at 700 °C. At higher temperatures, T>800°C, the desorption of antimony from the surface was measured. The grain boundary segregation was negligible and we can conclude that the texture formation, rich in (100) grains, results from the effect of the orientation dependent surface segregation of Sb. This segregation causes differences in surface energies and the stability of different grains. Controlled surface segregation promotes selective grain growth improving the electrical properties of non-oriented steel sheet.

© EDP Sciences 1995