Issue |
J. Phys. IV France
Volume 7, Number C2, Avril 1997
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure
Page(s) | C2-171 - C2-177 | |
DOI | |
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure
J. Phys. IV France 7 (1997) C2-171-C2-177
DOI: 10.1051/jp4/1997156
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica Università di Camerino, Via Madonna delle Carceri, I-62032 Camerino (MC) Italy
© EDP Sciences 1997
J. Phys. IV France 7 (1997) C2-171-C2-177
DOI: 10.1051/jp4/1997156
Short-Range Structure in Solid and Liquid Matter Using Multiple-Edge EXAFS Refinement
A. Di CiccoDipartimento di Matematica e Fisica Università di Camerino, Via Madonna delle Carceri, I-62032 Camerino (MC) Italy
A novel data-analysis approach for simultaneous analysis of EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) spectra
recorded at different core-level edges in monatomic and multiatomic systems is presented. This approach is based on the ab initio
multiple-scattering GNXAS method and allows to perform a multiple-edge refinement of the local structure. The usefulness of the
method for structural analysis of monatomic and binary liquids is discussed. Applications on K and L edges of solid and liquid Sn
and RbBr are reported. The short-range pair distribution g(r) is accurately determined and compared with previous diffraction and
molecular-dynamics results.
© EDP Sciences 1997