J. Phys. IV France
Volume 03, Number C7, Novembre 1993
The 3rd European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes
Troisiéme Conférence Européenne sur les Matériaux et les Procédés Avancés
Page(s) C7-31 - C7-40
The 3rd European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes
Troisiéme Conférence Européenne sur les Matériaux et les Procédés Avancés

J. Phys. IV France 03 (1993) C7-31-C7-40

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:1993703

Materials used in automobile manufacture - current state and perspectives


Mercedes-Benz AG, ZWT/GA, 70322 Stuttgart, Germany

The materials which are applied in modern motor vehicles can be considered to be optimally accommodated to the actual demands. Normally a change of materials is only required if by that a cost reduction can be realized, or if the demands change. Such changes at present or in the near future mainly concern ecological aspects : consumption reduction ; weight reduction ; low emission of pollutants by vehicles and in the production process ; recycling of materials. Those materials in question which better accommodate the new requirements can be : improved variants of actually applied materials ; fully developed materials approved already in other technical areas but not yet applied in automotive engineering ; newly developed materials. Starting from the actual conception examples will be given for each category. They will show that the cost of future materials tend to be higher, but that even with more expensive materials sometimes the cost of a component can be reduced.

© EDP Sciences 1993