Angular correlation of positron annihilation radiation in perfluorohexane mixtures with nonpolar liquids p. C4-1 O.E. MOGENSEN DOI: AbstractPDF (746.9 KB)
Positron reactions with SF6 in hexane studied by measurements of the Doppler broadening of the annihilation line p. C4-17 O.E. MOGENSEN and T. HIRADE DOI: AbstractPDF (580.9 KB)
Path integral studies of positrons and positronium in fluids p. C4-31 B.N. MILLER, J. CHEN, T.L. REESE and G. WORRELL DOI: AbstractPDF (407.8 KB)
Thermalization of subexcitation electrons in a medium with time dispersion p. C4-41 S.V. STEPANOV DOI: AbstractPDF (280.2 KB)
Statistical mechanics of a positron in a classical fluid. p. C4-49 J.K. PERCUS DOI: AbstractPDF (345.8 KB)
Crossed beam measurement of binding energies of positronium compounds : a preliminary study p. C4-61 D.M. SCHRADER, G. LARICCHIA and T.N. HORSKY DOI: AbstractPDF (226.3 KB)
Positronium chemistry studied by AMOC measurements using a relativistic positron beam p. C4-69 H. SCHNEIDER, A. SEEGER, A. SIEGLE, H. STOLL, I. BILLARD, M. KOCH, U. LAUFF and J. MAJOR DOI: AbstractPDF (862.9 KB)
Positron annihilation lifetime (PAL) estimation of backscatter coefficients : ingredients for data correction p. C4-77 A. SAOUCHA DOI: AbstractPDF (172.3 KB)
Positronium and intratrack physico-chemical processes in liquids p. C4-85 V.M. BYAKOV DOI: AbstractPDF (260.4 KB)
Positronium annihilation in high-purity liquids p. C4-93 S.J. WANG, Y.C. JEAN and H. ZHANG DOI: AbstractPDF (224.2 KB)
Probing intermediate process and active intermediate by positronium p. C4-99 Y.Y. WANG, H.M. CAO and Y.H. GUO DOI: AbstractPDF (236.6 KB)
Positronium chemical reactions in solutions : magnetic quenching of ortho-positronium in solutions of nitrobenzene in n- and iso-octane p. C4-105 Q. ZHANG, Y. KOBAYASHI, E.W. HELLMUTH and Y.C. JEAN DOI: AbstractPDF (280.9 KB)
Further results on the relationship between the rate constants of o-Ps into p-Ps conversion and the electron delocalization in 3d complexes p. C4-113 A.L. FANTOLA LAZZARINI, E. LAZZARINI and M. MARIANI DOI: AbstractPDF (247.8 KB)
Comparison of kPs values in pure pentene isomers and in abs. EtOH/cis-2-pentene/Pt, abs. EtOH/cis-2-pentene/Pt-on-charcoal and D2O mixtures p. C4-121 J.L. CIOTTONE, M. BROWN, K. FUHS and C. SHEEHAN DOI: AbstractPDF (182.1 KB)
Effects of scavengers on short-lived ortho-Ps p. C4-127 T. HIRADE and O.E. MOGENSEN DOI: AbstractPDF (179.2 KB)
Positron spur structure emulated by variable energy slow positron beam p. C4-131 Y. ITO, H. ABE and Y. TABATA DOI: AbstractPDF (123.2 KB)
The role of hydrophobic interactions in structure of aqueous nonelectrolyte solutions from positron annihilation measurements p. C4-135 K. JERIE, A. BARANOWSKI, J. GLINSKI and K. ORZECHOWSKI DOI: AbstractPDF (140.4 KB)
Interaction of positronium with Co+2 and Cu+2 ions in aqueous chloride and sulphate media p. C4-139 B. NANDI GANGULY and P.K. SARKAR DOI: AbstractPDF (161.6 KB)
Application of age-momentum correlation measurements for studies of the formation of positronium and its reactions in liquids p. C4-143 A. UEDONO, R. SUZUKI and S. TANIGAWA DOI: AbstractPDF (143.8 KB)
Equilibrium constants of the formation of 1,3,5-trinitro-benzene complexes and their reaction rate constants with o-Ps p. C4-147 B. LÉVAY DOI: AbstractPDF (120.4 KB)
Positron distributions and lifetimes in MxC60 (M : alkali or alkaline-earth) p. C4-153 S. ISHIBASHI, N. TERADA, M. TOKUMOTO, N. KINOSHITA and H. IHARA DOI: AbstractPDF (1.104 MB)
The existence of three o-Ps states in fine powders at low temperatures p. C4-161 C. DAUWE and G. CONSOLATI DOI: AbstractPDF (317.3 KB)
A positron beam study of defects in SiO2 p. C4-169 M. FUJINAMI, N.B. CHILTON, K ISHII and Y. OHKI DOI: AbstractPDF (316.6 KB)
Characterization of SiO2 films grown on Si substrates by monoenergetic positron beams p. C4-177 A. UEDONO, L. WEI, S. TANIGAWA, R. SUZUKI, H. OHGAKI and T. MIKADO DOI: AbstractPDF (374.7 KB)
o-Ps annihilation parameters in Pt, 5% Pt-on-charcoal, Pd and 5% Pd-on-charcoal powders p. C4-185 J.L. CIOTTONE, F. LANDER and D. LECLAIR DOI: AbstractPDF (203.6 KB)
Characterization of porous silicon by positron annihilation p. C4-193 Y. ITOH, H. MURAKAMI and A. KINOSHITA DOI: AbstractPDF (123.9 KB)
Ion-exchange with Pd/Pt and Fe and their reduction to metallic state in zeolites : positron annihilation and Mössbauer studies p. C4-197 Zs. KAJCSOS, K. LÁZÁR and G. BRAUER DOI: AbstractPDF (187.2 KB)
Positron annihilation studies in binary solid solutions of metal betadiketonates, using lifetime and Doppler broadening spectroscopies p. C4-201 J.C. MACHADO, A.O. PORTO, C.F. CARVALHO, W.F. MAGALHAES and A. MARQUES-NETTO DOI: AbstractPDF (113.9 KB)
Positronium formation in solid acetylacetonate complexes p. C4-205 A.O. PORTO, A. MARQUES-NETTO, W.F MAGALHAES, C.F. CARVALHO and J.C. MACHADO DOI: AbstractPDF (144.3 KB)
Defects in vitreous SiO2 probed by positron annihilation p. C4-209 A. UEDONO, L. WEI, X. LI and S. TANIGAWA DOI: AbstractPDF (422.9 KB)
Structural characteristics of Bi-based superconductors studied by positron annihilation p. C4-213 S.J. WANG, Z. TANG, X.H. GAO and Z.X. ZHAO DOI: AbstractPDF (143.0 KB)
Magnetic quenching of positronium in thorium phosphate: an experimental approach to p-Ps pick-off lifetime ? p. C4-217 T. GOWOREK, A. BADIA and G. DUPLÂTRE DOI: AbstractPDF (138.3 KB)
Thermal and pressure properties of amorphous polymers: relation to probe spectroscopy p. C4-223 R. SIMHA DOI: AbstractPDF (90.21 KB)
Positronium inhibition and free volume in chloropolystyrenes studied by positron annihilation p. C4-225 A. BARANOWSKI, M. DEBOWSKA, K . JERIE, G. MIRKIEWICZ, J. RUDZINSKA-GIRULSKA and R. TADEUSZ SIKORSKI DOI: AbstractPDF (297.1 KB)
Free-volume hole distributions of polymers by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy p. C4-233 G.H. DAI, Q. DENG, J. LIU, H. SHI, C.M. HUANG and Y.C. JEAN DOI: AbstractPDF (389.9 KB)
Interplay between electron affinity and free volume on positronium formation in polyimides p. C4-241 Y. ITO, K.-I. OKAMOTO and K. TANAKA DOI: AbstractPDF (295.1 KB)
Water absorption in novolac epoxy resins studied by positron annihilation p. C4-249 T. MIURA, T. SUZUKI, Y. OKI, M. NUMAJIRI, K. KONDO, Y. SHIOMI and Y. ITO DOI: AbstractPDF (142.8 KB)
Positron annihilation study in polyaniline conducting polymer p. C4-253 Z.L. PENG, S.Q. LI, Y.Q. DAI, B. WANG, S.J. WANG, H. LIU and H.Q. XIE DOI: AbstractPDF (110.2 KB)
Structural transition of polyethylene oxide networks studied by positron annihilation p. C4-257 B. WANG, Z.L. PENG, Y.Q. DAI, S.Q. LI, S.J. WANG, H. LIU and H.Q. XIE DOI: AbstractPDF (165.5 KB)
Interfacial interaction in PP/EPDM polymer blend studied by positron annihilation p. C4-261 C.L. WANG, S.J. WANG, W.G. ZHENG and Z.N. QI DOI: AbstractPDF (177.7 KB)
Temperature dependence of free volume distributions in polymers studied by positron lifetime spectroscopy p. C4-265 J. KRIŠTIAK, K. KRIŠTIAKOVÁ, O. ŠAUŠA, P. BANDŽUCH and J. BARTOŠ DOI: AbstractPDF (249.0 KB)
Positron annihilation lifetime study of pure and Na(acac) treated polyvinylalcohol p. C4-271 A.M.A. EL-SAYED, E.E. ABDEL-HADY, M. MOHSEN and A. SAWABY DOI: AbstractPDF (154.9 KB)
Investigation of polymer deformation by positron annihilation p. C4-275 S.J. WANG, C.L. WANG and B. WANG DOI: AbstractPDF (175.0 KB)
Positron lifetime measurements in polyethylene under different conditions p. C4-279 G. BRAUER, Th. DANIEL, W. FAUST, Z. MICHNO and H. SCHNEIDER DOI: AbstractPDF (149.9 KB)
Positron irradiation effects on polypropylene p. C4-283 T. SUZUKI, T. MIURA, Y. OKI, M. NUMAJIRI, K. KONDO and Y. ITO DOI: AbstractPDF (108.1 KB)
PAL study of graft polymerization of MMA on polyethylene p. C4-287 V. SANCHEZ, R. LOPEZ and Y. ITO DOI: AbstractPDF (98.21 KB)
Physical properties of epoxy and free volume evaluated by positron annihilation spectroscopy p. C4-291 T. OKADA, S. NISHIJIMA, Y. HONDA and Y. KOBAYASHI DOI: AbstractPDF (148.9 KB)
Studies of cyclodextrin complexes by positron annihilation p. C4-297 F.H. HSU, J.M. MICHAEL, L. SONG and D.W. ARMSTRONG DOI: AbstractPDF (260.1 KB)
A positron annihilation lifetime study of protein hydration - evidence for a glass transition p. C4-305 R.B. GREGORY and K.-J. CHAI DOI: AbstractPDF (311.8 KB)
Supercooling studies in n-p-cyano-p-heptyl biphenyl using positron, lifetime spectroscopy p. C4-311 K. CHANDRAMANI SINGH and P.C. JAIN DOI: AbstractPDF (271.3 KB)
Positron studies on reverse micellar systems of AOT/isooctane/water p. C4-317 M.F. FERREIRA MARQUES, C. LOPES GIL, A.P. DE LIMA, H.D. BURROWS and M. DA GRAÇA MIGUEL DOI: AbstractPDF (170.2 KB)
Phase transformation studies in (TTAB + pentanol)/water/n-octane system p. C4-321 P. HOSSEIN KHANI, A.N. MAITRA and P.C. JAIN DOI: AbstractPDF (156.5 KB)
Positronium reactions in AOT/n-heptane/water reversed micellar system incorporating metal ions p. C4-325 B. NANDI GANGULY and V.S. SUBRAHMANYAM DOI: AbstractPDF (136.2 KB)
Positron annihilation studies of some odd-n fatty acids p. C4-329 W.W. WALKER DOI: AbstractPDF (123.2 KB)
Structural transformations in TTAB aggregated binary systems p. C4-333 R. YADAV, PH. KHANI and P.C. JAIN DOI: AbstractPDF (144.7 KB)