J. Phys. IV France
Volume 139, December 2006
Page(s) 295 - 320
From Regional Climate Modelling to the Exploration of Venus
C. Boutron
J. Phys. IV France 139 (2006) 295-320

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2006139020

Use of aircraft to probe the troposphere

H. Coe

Centre for Atmospheric Science, School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

(Published online: 9 January 2007)

This paper seeks to give an overview of atmospheric research aircraft, offer the reader examples from current research platforms and provide key reference material for further study. The value of aircraft studies to atmospheric measurement science will be discussed in comparison with other measurement research platforms and the capabilities and deficiencies of the different platforms will be considered. The paper will then summarise the key aspects of instrument design that are critical for aircraft operations. Sample inlets are integral to successful sampling from aircraft platforms and these will be discussed in detail, focussing on "sticky" gases, radicals and aerosol particles and clouds. The remainder of the paper will focus on the planning of field missions and offer some examples of major results from aircraft experiments.

© EDP Sciences 2006