J. Phys. IV France
Volume 137, November 2006
Page(s) 119 - 122
Publié en ligne 23 décembre 2006
35th Winter School on Wave and Quantum Acoustics
J. Bodzenta, M. Dzida and T. Pustelny
J. Phys. IV France 137 (2006) 119-122

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2006137024

A SAW dispersive filter synthesis based on the spectral theory

A. Kawalec, W. Komorniczak, C. Lesnik, W. Czarnecki and J. Pietrasinski

Military University of Technology, 2 Gen. Kaliskiego Str., 00908 Warsaw, Poland

(Published online 23 December 2006)

The selected applications of the surface acoustic wave devices in the area of the signal processing are presented. In the analysis based on the spectral theory, the metallization coefficient of the strips is taken into account. It influences the change of the surface wave velocity of the open and short-circuited strips. The synthesis of the dispersive line based on the theoretical analysis results is presented. The experimental characteristics for the quartz based dispersive line as an application for the radar signal processing is presented.

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