J. Phys. IV France
Volume 136, November 2006
Page(s) 201 - 212
Publié en ligne 22 décembre 2006
Corrosion and Long Term Performance of Concrete in NPP and Waste Facilities
V. L'Hostis, F. Foct and D. Féron
J. Phys. IV France 136 (2006) 201-212

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2006136021

Service life estimation of the secondary containment with respect to rebar corrosion

I. Petre-Lazar1, B. Sudret2, F. Foct2, L. Granger1 and L. Dechaux1

1  EDF CIPN, 13401 Marseille, France
2  EDF R&D, 77818 Moret-sur-Loing, France

(Published online 22 December 2006)

We estimate the corrosion development and its effects on the secondary containment vessels of the French nuclear power plants. A limit state of corrosion is proposed on the basis of the corrosion effects. Predictive models are used in the frame of a probabilistic approach in order to assess the in time evolution of the corrosion risk. The results are compared with the in situ feedback.

© EDP Sciences 2006