J. Phys. IV France
Volume 136, November 2006
Page(s) 49 - 59
Publié en ligne 22 décembre 2006
Corrosion and Long Term Performance of Concrete in NPP and Waste Facilities
V. L'Hostis, F. Foct and D. Féron
J. Phys. IV France 136 (2006) 49-59

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2006136006

Long term water flow scenario in low-level waste disposal vaults, with particular regard to concrete structures in El Cabril, Cordoba, Spain

P. Zuloaga1, C. Andrade2 and M.W. Saaltink3

1  ENRESA, Madrid, Spain
2  Instituto Eduardo Torroja de Ciencias de la Construcción, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
3  Technical University of Catalonia UPC, Dept. of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences, Barcelona, Spain

(Published online 22 December 2006)

This paper deals with the main durability design objectives adopted for the Spanish Low-level waste disposal facility of El Cabril. The presentation summarizes the studies and models developed to represent the performance of the reinforced concrete vaults. Particular attention is paid to recent developments in modelling the water flow through the disposal system and its humidity saturation and their relation to the long term behaviour of the concrete barriers. It also describes the work being carried out to improve the existing models as a part of the required effort to maintain up to date the performance assessment of the facility.

© EDP Sciences 2006