J. Phys. IV France
Volume 136, November 2006
Page(s) 25 - 38
Publié en ligne 22 décembre 2006
Corrosion and Long Term Performance of Concrete in NPP and Waste Facilities
V. L'Hostis, F. Foct and D. Féron
J. Phys. IV France 136 (2006) 25-38

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2006136004

Concrete long-term behaviour in the context of nuclear waste management: Experimental and modelling research strategy

C. Gallé, H. Peycelon, P. Le Bescop, S. Bejaoui, V. L'Hostis, B. Bary, P. Bouniol and C. Richet

CEA Saclay, Direction de l'Énergie Nucléaire, DANS/DPC/SCCME, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France

(Published online 22 December 2006)

This paper draws the main lines of the scientific strategy adopted by CEA for its R&D programme dedicated to the study of the long-term behaviour of cement-based materials in relationship with cemented nuclear waste management. In the framework of the safety assessment analysis, the long-term stability of waste package confinement and mechanical properties is required. This analysis was achieved considering the different environmental conditions - atmospheric and water saturated environments - which could affect the waste package. As far as the unsaturated phase (storage) is concerned, corrosion and air carbonation of reinforced concrete were identified as the two main phenomena which could jeopardize the waste package long-term performances. During the disposal phase, underground water leaching may significantly contribute to the chemical degradation of concrete. The understanding and modelling of phenomena and mechanisms responsible of such degradation are therefore essential to make relevant and robust long-term predictions. With this aim, CEA has developed an extended research programme to assess the long-term degradation of concrete through a chemistry-transport and mechanical coupled approach. The relevancy and validity of such a programme are discussed here.

© EDP Sciences 2006