J. Phys. IV France
Volume 134, August 2006
EURODYMAT 2006 - 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading
Page(s) 1023 - 1027
Publié en ligne 26 juillet 2006
EURODYMAT 2006 - 8th International Conference on Mehanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading
J. Cirne, R. Dormeval, et al.
J. Phys. IV France 134 (2006) 1023-1027

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2006134156

Stress relaxation of elastic precursor for unalloyed uranium and some uranium-based alloys

E.A. Kozlov, V.I. Tarzhanov, I.V. Telichko, D.M. Gorbachev and D.G. Pankratov

Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Federal Nuclear Center – Zababakhin All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics”, PO Box 245, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk Region 456770, Russia

Published online: 26 July 2006

The new data are presented on relaxation of an elastic precursor in unalloyed depleted uranium and two its alloys. Results were obtained under low-intense explosive loading. Statistic thermofluctuational model was used for approximation of experimental data. The inversion of strength properties of the tested U-Mo and U-Fe-Ge alloys at their quasi-static and high-rate loading was revealed.

© EDP Sciences 2006