J. Phys. IV France
Volume 134, August 2006
EURODYMAT 2006 - 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading
Page(s) 819 - 826
Publié en ligne 26 juillet 2006
EURODYMAT 2006 - 8th International Conference on Mehanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading
J. Cirne, R. Dormeval, et al.
J. Phys. IV France 134 (2006) 819-826

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2006134126

Quasi-static and impact tests of honeycomb

G. Gary1 and J.R. Klepaczko2

1  Laboratoire de Mécanique des Solides, CNRS UMR 7649, Département de Mécanique, École Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France
2  Laboratory of Physics and Mechanics of Materials, Metz University, 57045 Metz, France

Published online: 26 July 2006

In this paper the quasi-static and instrumented compression impact testing of two kinds of aluminum-alloy honeycomb are reported. Those two types of honeycomb called Hard (H) and Soft (S) were tested. The specimens in cubical form of dimensions 60 mm $\times$ 60 mm $\times$ 120 mm were made with and without the front aluminum alloy plates (thickness 1.0 mm) cemented to the specimen two faces. The tests have been performed along the largest dimension that is 120 mm, which is parallel to the aluminum sheet profiles forming the honeycomb. A wide range of compression velocities from the quasi-static rate (V0 = 10 mm/min) to the highest impact velocity V6 = 120 m/s were applied. The total number of velocities applied, including the quasi-static loading, was six. Several series of tests were performed. The first two were carried out with the flat-ended strikers of specific masses, which were adequate to each impact velocity. In order to obtain an adequate displacement of crushing the condition of constant kinetic energy of a striker was assumed. In addition, conical strikers were applied with the cone angle 120$^{\circ}$. Application of the direct impact arrangement along with properly instrumented 9m long Hopkinson bar of Nylon with diameter 80 mm enabled for a wave dispersion analysis to be applied. The crushing force versus time could be exactly determined at the specimen-bar interface by application of an inverse technique along with the theory of visco-elastic wave propagation.

© EDP Sciences 2006