J. Phys. IV France
Volume 133, June 2006
Page(s) 1123 - 1126
Publié en ligne 16 juin 2006
Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 2005
J.-C. Gauthier, et al.
J. Phys. IV France 133 (2006) 1123-1126

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2006133228

Generation and characterization of quasi-monoenergetic electron beams from laser wakefield

A. Maksimchuk, S. Reed, N. Naumova, V. Chvykov, B. Hou, G. Kalintchenko, T. Matsuoka, J. Nees, P. Rousseau, G. Mourou and  V. Yanovsky

FOCUS Center and Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, University of Michigan, 2200 Bonisteel blvd., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA

In the interaction of a 30 fs, 40 TW Ti:sapphire Hercules laser focused to the intensity of 1019 W/cm2 onto a supersonic He gas jet, we observed quasi-monoenergetic electron beams with energy up to 300 MeV and an angular divergence of 10 mrad. We found that the initial plasma density significantly affects the resultant electron beam. For plasma densities ranging between 2 $\times$ 1019 to 3.5 $\times$ 1019 cm - 3, quasi-monoenergetic electrons with energies from 80 to 160 MeV and a total charge of about 0.5 nC were produced. Lower plasma densities around 1.5 $\times$ 1019 cm - 3 produced quasi-monoenergetic electron beams with higher energy, up to 320 $\pm $ 50 MeV, but with a decrease of the total charge to about 5 pC. Characterization of the electron beam in terms of the electron's maximum energy, beam divergence and pointing stability is presented. The performed 2D PIC simulations show the evolution of the laser pulse in the plasma, electron injection, and the specifics of electron acceleration.

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