J. Phys. IV France
Volume 131, December 2005
Page(s) 277 - 280
Publié en ligne 18 janvier 2006
International Workshop on Electronic Crystals
S. Brazovskii, P. Monceau and N. Kirova
J. Phys. IV France 131 (2005) 277-280

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2005131070

Wigner crystallization in low dimensional materials

G. Rastelli1, P. Quémerais2 and S. Fratini2

1  Dipartimento di Fisica, Universitá dell'Aquila, via Vetoio, 67010 Coppito, L'Aquila, Italy
2  Laboratoire d'Études des Propriétés Électroniques des Solides, CNRS, 25 Av. des Martyrs, 38042 Grenoble, France

We study a model that describes Wigner crystallization of electrons in low-dimensional solids. Restricting the electron motion into layers or chains, while keeping the full three-dimensional nature of the Coulomb interactions, can result in a sizeable stabilization of the crystallized phase as compared to the usual three-dimensional case. A sequence of structural transitions of the electron crystal is also predicted upon varying the density.

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