J. Phys. IV France
Volume 112, October 2003
Page(s) 1129 - 1132

J. Phys. IV France
112 (2003) 1129
DOI: 10.1051/jp4:20031081

The device "Klyost" for clipping vessels and soft-elastic tubular structures

E.P. Ryklina1, I.Yu. Khmelevskaya1, S.D. Prokoshkin1 and R.V. Ipatkin2

1  Moscow State Steel and Alloys Institute, Technical University, Leninsky Pr. 4, 119991 Moscow, Russia
2  The Central Clinical Hospital of Ministry of Way Communication, Budaiskaya Str. 2, 129128 Moscow, Russia

A retrospect of earlier elaborated devices applying in clinical practice is presented. A newly invented device for clipping vessels and soft-elastic tubular structures is presented. Traditionally in surgical practice, to stop a blood flow, the surgeons use suturing of vessels (legate) with a silk thread. In laparoscopic surgery this process is accompanied with great difficulties. An alternative method of clipping vessels and structures is also used. The negative feature of this method is that the structure must be first mobilized. Up for to-day there is no device allowing to combine in one method both manipulations: suturing of tissue and laying a clip on a structure. The paper describes the new device, allowing to combine the oversaid manipulations and consequently to simplify the work of the surgeon and shorten the operation time. The device functioning is based on one-way and two-way shape memory effects. The device was applied in treating of 5 patients and manifested fine functional possibilities. The implanted clip can be easily evacuated without any patient trauma.

© EDP Sciences 2003