J. Phys. IV France
Volume 11, Numéro PR3, Août 2001
Thirteenth European Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition
Page(s) Pr3-101 - Pr3-108
Thirteenth European Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition

J. Phys. IV France 11 (2001) Pr3-101-Pr3-108

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2001313

Kinetic modelling of gas-phase decomposition of propane : Correlation with pyrocarbon deposition

B. Descamps, G.L. Vignoles, O. Féron, J. Lavenac and F. Langlais

Laboratoire des Composites ThermoStructuraux (LCTS), 3 allée La Boëtie, Domaine Universitaire, 33600 Pessac, France

A chemical kinetic model for gas-phase pyrolysis of propane has been set up, partially reduced, and validated against FTIR measurements in a tubular hot-wall reactor at P = 2 kPa, and T = 900 to 1400 K. It confirms the notion of "maturation" from propane to lighter hydrocarbons, the to aromatic compounds and PAHs. The gas-phase composition above the substrate has been correlated to pyrocarbon deposition rates and to the deposit nanostructure. It is confirmed that the growth of the rough laminar (RL) form would be related to heavier gaseous species than for th smooth laminar (SL) form.

© EDP Sciences 2001