J. Phys. IV France
Volume 09, Numéro PR3, March 1999
Proceedings of the 9th SolarPACES International Symposium on Solar Thermal Concentrating Technologies
Page(s) Pr3-723 - Pr3-727
Proceedings of the 9th SolarPACES International Symposium on Solar Thermal Concentrating Technologies

J. Phys. IV France 09 (1999) Pr3-723-Pr3-727

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:19993115

Concept and economic evaluation of an industrial synthesis of ε-caprolactam via solar photooximation of cyclohexane

C. Sattler, F.-J. Müller, K.-J. Riffelmann, J. Ortner and K.-H. Funken

DLR, Solare Energietechnik, 51170 Köln, Germany

The photochemical synthesis of ε-caprolactam was investigated for two plant concepts. The conventional larnp driven concept followed the process as realized in an industrial scale by Toray Ltd., Japan and a solar concept was designed at identical yearly output. The aim of the comparison was to determine the savings that could be achieved if photochemistry would rnake use of solar radiation instead of artificial light for this process. The investment cost for the solar plant is about twice as high as for the lamp driven plant, but the production cost lower resulting that the return on investment is better for the solar photochemical process because of the low energy demand.

© EDP Sciences 1999