J. Phys. IV France
Volume 06, Numéro C2, Mars 1996
38éme Colloque de Métallurgie de l'INSTN
Les intermétalliques : des superalliages aux quasicristaux
Page(s) C2-165 - C2-170
38éme Colloque de Métallurgie de l'INSTN
Les intermétalliques : des superalliages aux quasicristaux

J. Phys. IV France 06 (1996) C2-165-C2-170

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:1996223

Microscopie à haute résolution d'une interface semi-cohérente phase µ/matrice γ-γ'

R. Bonnet1, M. Loubradou1 and J.M. Pénisson2

1  Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, LTPCM (URA 29)/ENSEEG, Domaine Universitaire, BP 75, 38402 Saint Martin-d'Hères, France
2  CEA/Départernent de Recherche Fondamentale sur la Matière Condensée (SP2M/S), CENG, 17 Rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France

Among different orientation relationships between rhomboedral µ precipitates and the γ-γ' two-phase medium of a nickel base superalloy, one is found appropriate for the observation of the heterointerface by high resolution electron microscopy. Misfit dislocations (MD's) are observed, associated with interfacial ledges. They accommodate a 0.6 % length misfit and a small long range angular departure equal to 1.9° between the planes (542)µ and (113)γ'.The relative position of the crystals along the interface facets has been determined, as well as the common Burgers vector of the MD's. A computer analysis of a MD image, observed at near-atomic scale, demonstrates that the experimental elastic displacement field of the surrounding atomic columns is in good agreement with the dislocation-ledge theory developed by the authors (Phys. Rev. Lett., 1992, 69, 104-107).

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