J. Phys. IV France
Volume 05, Numéro C7, Novembre 1995
Second International Conference on Ultra High Purity Base Metals
UHPM - 95
Page(s) C7-307 - C7-313
Second International Conference on Ultra High Purity Base Metals
UHPM - 95

J. Phys. IV France 05 (1995) C7-307-C7-313

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:1995737

Temperature and Orientation Dependence of Yield Stress and Plasticity in Molybdenum Single Crystals of High Purity

D.V. Lotsko and Yu.V. Milman

Institute for Problems of Materials Science, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 3 Krgiganovsky str., 252180 Kiev, Ukraine

In order to study the influence of purification on the strength and plasticity of molybdenum single crystals in bending tests, the investigation was carried out on crystals of 6 orientations and two purity levels (r293K/r4.2K=95000 and 2000 respectively) in the temperature range from 77K to 373K. The dependence of yield stress and ductile-brittle transition temperature on crystal orientation and purity was established. The results are discussed in connection with the peculiarities of dislocation slip and multiplication in bending which are illustrated by X-ray epigrams.

© EDP Sciences 1995