J. Phys. IV France
Volume 05, Numéro C7, Novembre 1995
Second International Conference on Ultra High Purity Base Metals
UHPM - 95
Page(s) C7-85 - C7-96
Second International Conference on Ultra High Purity Base Metals
UHPM - 95

J. Phys. IV France 05 (1995) C7-85-C7-96

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:1995707

Thermochemical Interactions Versus Site Competition in Grain Boundary Segregation and Embrittlement in Multicomponent Systems

M. Guttmann

IRSID, Voie Romaine, BP. 320, 57214 Maizières-Les-Metz cedex, France

Several elementary mechanisms play a role in intergranular segregation and embrittlement in multi-component systems : site competition, attractive and repulsive chemical interactions. The physical significance of these interactions, their thermodynamic modeling and validity, and the experimental evidence available for each of them are discussed with particular emphasis on Fe-base alloys with metallic and non-metallic segregating solutes.

© EDP Sciences 1995