J. Phys. IV France
Volume 05, Numéro C1, Janvier 1995
Europhysics Industrial Workshop EIW-12
Industrial Applications of Positron Annihilation
Page(s) C1-207 - C1-214
Europhysics Industrial Workshop EIW-12
Industrial Applications of Positron Annihilation

J. Phys. IV France 05 (1995) C1-207-C1-214

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:1995124

Performance of a Small MWPC Based Pet System

M. Staric1, D. Korbar1 and A. Stanovnik2

1  J. Stefan Institute and Physics Department, University of Ljubljana
2  Faculty for electrical engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

In our research, we are attempting to construct a PET apparatus with superior position resolution in comparison with commercially available systems. Tests of a small apparatus (5 x 5 cm2), based on multiwire proportional chambers, have shown a position resolution of 3 mm full width at half maximum (FWHM) in all three dimensions of the reconstructed tomographic image of a point source. The other parameters of the system are : 8 ns FWHM timing resolution and 0.55 % efficiency for one chamber layer. Based on these results the construction of a larger system (32 x 32 cm2) with eight chamber layers (efficiency = 4%) is in progress.

© EDP Sciences 1995