J. Phys. IV France
Volume 05, Numéro C1, Janvier 1995
Europhysics Industrial Workshop EIW-12
Industrial Applications of Positron Annihilation
Page(s) C1-87 - C1-90
Europhysics Industrial Workshop EIW-12
Industrial Applications of Positron Annihilation

J. Phys. IV France 05 (1995) C1-87-C1-90

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:1995110

Plasma Induced Defects in GaAs Probed by a Monoenergetic Positron Beam

A. Uedono1, L. Wei1, T. Kawano2, S. Tanigawa1, K. Wada3 and H. Nakanishi3

1  Institute of Materials Science, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan
2  Radioisotope Center, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan
3  NTT LSI Laboratories, 3-1 Morinosato Wakamiya, Atsugi Kanagawa 243-01, Japan

Plasma-induced defects in n-type GaAs were studied by a monoenergetic positron beam. The depth distribution of point-defects was obtained from measurements of Doppler broadening profiles of the annihilation radiation as a function of incident positron energy. From the measurements, it was found that the damaged layer induced by Ar plasma irradiation extended far beyond the stopping range of Ar ions. The nature of the dominant defects trapping positrons is discussed.

© EDP Sciences 1995