J. Phys. IV France
Volume 04, Numéro C5, Mai 1994
3ème Congrés français d'acoustique
3rd French conference on acoustics
Page(s) C5-101 - C5-104
3ème Congrés français d'acoustique
3rd French conference on acoustics

J. Phys. IV France 04 (1994) C5-101-C5-104

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:1994515

Les effets sonores, un outil pour l'évaluation des espaces en extérieur


Centre de Recherches sur 1'Espace Sonore et l'Environnement Urbain (CRESSON), UA 1268 du CNRS, Ecole d'Architecture de Grenoble, BP. 2636, 38036 Grenoble cedex 2, France

The quality of the sonic environment in exterior spaces is rarely taken into account in urban planning studies. The notion of sonic effect, developed by CRESSON, is being employed as an interdisciplinary tool. Could it become a new tool for urban design ? It has been tested on six effects chosen in variors categories. A sociological survey has helped convey how users perceive them. In the field of signal processing, works related to the representation of the same sonic effects allow them to be recognized, and thus, predicted. An architectural and urban analysis of the tested sites has also been performed. Based on an analysis of urban fabrics, the goal is to reveal the formal and operational factors which can be acoustically analyzed, and to seek out analysis tools and adapted representations. The question of scale concerns, in particular, the observer's field of perception. The users and the practices which frequent public spaces converge in large part within the consistency of the sonic environment. The initial conclusions expected are the unessential aspects of low frequency phenomena, the inadequacy between the visual and sonic domaines, and the utilization of an occurence chart for urban design projects.

© EDP Sciences 1994