J. Phys. IV France
Volume 03, Numéro C7, Novembre 1993
The 3rd European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes
Troisiéme Conférence Européenne sur les Matériaux et les Procédés Avancés
Page(s) C7-1607 - C7-1616
The 3rd European Conference on Advanced Materials and Processes
Troisiéme Conférence Européenne sur les Matériaux et les Procédés Avancés

J. Phys. IV France 03 (1993) C7-1607-C7-1616

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:19937252

Interfaces and interfacial mechanics : influence on the mechanical behavior of ceramic matrix composites (CMC)


Laboratoire des Composites Thermostructuraux, UMR - 47 CNRS-SEP-UB1, 3 allée de la Boëtie, 33600 Pessac, France

The influence of fiber/matrix interactions on the mechanical behavior of ceramic matrix composites is examined on glass matrix composites and mainly on composites made by chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) of a fiber preform by a SiC matrix. Then the relationships between interfaces and features of the stress-strain behavior are highlighted on microcomposite specimens using experimental data and predictions from a model based upon fracture statistics. Finally the incidence of interfaces on fracture toughness is discussed on 2D SiC/SiC composites. It is shown that rather strong interfaces provide both strong and tough 2D woven fiber reinforced composites.

© EDP Sciences 1993