Free Access
J. Phys. IV France
Volume 122, December 2004
Page(s) 69 - 73

J. Phys. IV France 122 (2004) 69-73

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2004122010

Outbursts formation on low carbon and trip steel grades during hot-dip galvanisation

E.J. Petit1, L. Lamm1 and M. Gilles2

1  LETAM (UMR 7078 CNRS-Université de Metz), Ile du Saulcy, 57045 Metz Cedex 1, France
2  UMICORE, Kasteelstraat 7, 2250 Olen, Belgium

Low carbon and TRIP grade steels have been hot dip galvanised in order to study outbursts formation. Microstructure and texture of intermetallic phases have been observed after selective electrochemical etching by scanning electron microscopy. Potential versus time (chronopotentiometric) characteristics were recorded in order to monitor surface modifications. This combination of techniques enable to quantify and observe intermetallic phase one by one. The overall thickness of coating on both substrates are similar. However, microstructures of Fe-Zn intermetallic phases are very different on both grades. In particular, the V phase is dense on standard steel but develops a highly branched filament structure on TRIP steel. The transformation of V phase to d and G1 are limited on TRIP steel. Differences of texture provide clues for understanding mechanisms of formation of outbursts. They can account for the differences of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Silicon from the substrate influences the reactivity of TRIP steels due to capping and local reactions.

La formation des outbursts a été étudiée sur un acier bas carbone et sur un acier TRIP galvanisés. Les épaisseurs des revêtements sont similaires. Néanmoins, les observations microscopiques et les érosions électrochimiques montrent que la répartition des phases intermétalliques et leurs microstructures diffèrent sensiblement en fonction de la nature du substrat. Ces différences expliquent les propriétés mécaniques et anticorrosions. L'encapsulation de la surface par les oxydes de silicium freine la transformation de la phase dzêta en delta et gamma sur l'acier TRIP.

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