J. Phys. IV France
Volume 110, September 2003
Page(s) 797 - 802

J. Phys. IV France
110 (2003) 797
DOI: 10.1051/jp4:20020791

Novelties in physics of explosive welding and powder compaction

I. Plaksin1, J. Campos1, J. Ribeiro1, R. Mendes1, J. Direito1, D. Braga1 and R. Pruemmer2

1  Laboratory of Energetics and Detonics, Mechanical Engineering Department, Pinhal de Marrocos, Polo II, 3030 Coimbra, Portugal
2  institut fur Werkstoffkunde, Karlsruhe University, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany

Widely known technologies of explosive (X) welding and explosive (X) powder compaction are based on applications of porous composite solid or liquid explosives. Recent results on dynamics of X-welding and X-powder compaction are presented and discussed in this paper in the conceptual context of an orderly oscillating detonation wave (DW), a synergetic phenomenon observed in detonation of all classes of composite energetic materials, that was discovered in LEDAP in last eight years. Regular instabilities that are induced by oscillating DW, are transmitted through the interface of the impacted materials, causing the local instability and fluctuations in both processes, formation of the interfacial waves (X-welding mechanism) and in an initial phase of powder compaction. Application of high resolution optical probes (spatial resolution 250 $\mu$m, temporal resolution 1 ns, 96 independent channels) allowed the simultaneous registration of the oscillating DW in the X-charge and transmission of oscillations, through the flyer plate, up to the welding zone. Similar measurements have been made in experiments with X-compaction of tungsten powder providing the continuos registration of shock wave velocity inside the compacted powder, its geometrical shape, their instabilities and irregularities.

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