J. Phys. IV France
Volume 11, Number PR2, Juillet 2001
X-Ray Lasers 2000
Page(s) Pr2-147 - Pr2-150
7th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers

J. Phys. IV France 11 (2001) Pr2-147-Pr2-150

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2001228

Sequential pumping in Ne-like iron. Multiple irradiation of X-ray lasers

P. Fourcade, D. Ros, Ph. Zeitoun, D. Benredjem, A. Carillon, S. Hubert, A. Klisnick and G. Jamelot

LSAI, UMR CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France

We study a X-ray laser (XRL) pumped by two 140 ps pulses frorn an IR laser beam. With the aim to regenerate the plasma gain with the second pulse, and then realise a double pass, we separate the two pulses by 800 ps. First experimental results obtained at LULI with Ne-like iron were very encouraging. In single pass mode, two saturated X-ray laser emissions have been observed with reproducible way. The gain values were respectively 15 cm-1 and 12 cm-1. This result qualitatively agrees with EHYBRID and Maxwell-Bloch modelling. We present the first far field pattern obtained in Ne-like iron and we deduce the two different positions of each XRL beam by subtracting images.

© EDP Sciences 2001