J. Phys. IV France
Volume 09, Number PR8, September 1999
Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Chemical Vapour Deposition
Page(s) Pr8-41 - Pr8-47
Proceedings of the Twelfth European Conference on Chemical Vapour Deposition

J. Phys. IV France 09 (1999) Pr8-41-Pr8-47

DOI: 10.1051/jp4:1999805

Chemistry and kinetics of chemical vapor deposition of pyrolytic carbon from methane

A. Becker, Z. Hu and K.J. Huettinger

Institut fuer Chemische Technik, Universitaet Karlsruhe, Kaiserstr, 12, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany

The paper summarizes various recent results ou chemical vapor deposition of carbon from methane in the low temperature regime around 1100 °C. The following topics are discussed : gas phase reactions, surface/deposition reactions, interactions of gas phase and surface/deposition reactions, hydrogen inhibition, influence of temperature. Based on the results a simplified reaction scheme is presented which was successfully used to simulate the influence of temperature on carbon deposition. This simulation as well as the influence of the substrate surface area/reactor volume-ratio (3rd parameter of CVD) are treated in other papers of the conference.

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