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Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of Ethynyl- and Propynyl-Terminated Si(111) Surfaces
Noah T. Plymale, Youn-Geun Kim, Manuel P. Soriaga, Bruce S. Brunschwig and Nathan S. Lewis The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119(34) 19847 (2015)
The interaction of organic adsorbate vibrations with substrate lattice waves in methyl-Si(111)-(1 × 1)
Ryan D. Brown, Zachary M. Hund, Davide Campi, et al. The Journal of Chemical Physics 141(2) (2014)
Transmission Infrared Spectra of CH3–, CD3–, and C10H21–Ge(111) Surfaces
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Preparation, IR spectroscopy, and time-of-flight mass spectrometry of halogenated and methylated Si(111)
Highly Stable Organic Monolayers for Reacting Silicon with Further Functionalities: The Effect of the C−C Bond nearest the Silicon Surface
Sreenivasa Reddy Puniredd, Ossama Assad and Hossam Haick Journal of the American Chemical Society 130(41) 13727 (2008)
Collective vibrations in cluster models for semiconductor surfaces: Vibrational spectra of acetylenyl and methylacetylenyl functionalized Si(111)